Dear Colleagues,
With the support of the Planning Committee and Advisory Committee Sciwide organizing a “3rd Edition of International Materials Science & Nanoscience Webinar 2021” on September 17-18, 2021.
V-Mat2021 aims to become the leading annual Virtual conference in the fields Biomaterials and Nanomaterials, Structural Materials, Electronic Materials, Material Chemistry, Materials Processing Engineering, Computational Methods of Modelling, Simulation, and Prediction for Designing Materials and Structures at all length scales. This virtual conference has an elemental feature to the world distinguished motive speakers, keynote lectures, young investigators & researchers forum, e-poster presentations, oral presentations, workshop, Symposiums.
We welcome you to join our webinar to share and gain knowledge..!!
Early Bird Registration Deadline
Abstract Submission Deadline
Attending an online conference is an opportunity to build new connections with other academics and experts in the same or similar field of studies all around the world and share thoughts on recent advances and technological through online.
For students and researchers, online conferences help to make research on a particular subject easier. they provide access to various research activities related to a particular subject with current findings and developments anticipated from them.
Watch live and learn from the comfort of your home or office on your phone, mobile device and/or computer.
Materials Manufacturing and Processing
Structural Materials
Coating, Composite and Ceramic Materials
Functional Materials
Materials Chemistry and Materials Physics
Carbon Nanostructures
Amorphous and liquid crystalline materials
Emerging Smart Materials
Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology
Polymer Science and Engineering
Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Nanomaterials and Nano Composites
Biosensors and Bio Electronic Materials
Crystal growth and its application
Metal recycling processes, waste treatment
Trends in Materials Science
Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cell technology
Carbon Materials and Technology
Renewable Resources and Biopolymers
Computational Material Science
Thin films, Materials Surface and Interfaces
Surface Science and Engineering
Mining and Minerals in Materials Engineering
Electronics and Photonics
Semiconductor & electronic materials and devices
Textile Materials and Fibers
Sustainable Construction and Building Materials
Battery Materials and Technology
Materials in Aerospace, Mechanical and Civil Engineering
Computational Materials and Modelling
Bio-Materials, Bio-devices & Tissue Engineering
Graphene Technology - 3D & 2D Materials
Ceramics, Engineering Materials and Composite Materials
Materials Science and Engineering
Energy Materials & Energy Harvesting Materials
Nanotechnology in Materials Science
Optical, Electronic, Magnetic Materials and Plasmonics
Environmental and Green Materials
Materials Properties, Measuring Methods and Applications
Opening Ceremony and Welcome Note
Keynote Presentations
Refreshment Break
Oral Presentations
Poster Presentations
Welcome note Day-2
Keynote Presentations
Refreshment Break
Oral Presentations
Poster Presentations & Closing Ceremony
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